Get the Protection YOU Deserve
“If you don’t know your rights, then you don’t have any.”
Who is powerless in a legal situation?
Those that do not know their legal rights. Having this type of legal power was usually reserved for the rich. But now the average family can have that same power at an affordable cost. You get more than an attorney, but a quality law firm and nationwide coverage.
Who do you call?
When arrested, detained, questioned by law enforcement, in a car accident, or Family Services shows up at your door, have access to an attorney, 24 hours / 7 days a week. You will get a live, experienced attorney that will help protect your legal rights so that the legal system doesn’t railroad you.
What is the number one reported white-collar crime?
Identity Theft is the number one reported white collar crime in the world. Many companies are monitoring your finances. Get your finances reviewed, PLUS have your persona monitored. Have the best in the world step in to help put your life back together if this misfortune happens to you - - in ALL areas of ID Theft.
Do you deal with people and businesses or government?
Sooner or later a questionable issue will arise. Have access to experience attorneys to help get those questions answered. Have a letter written or a phone made by your attorney to help clear up those issues.
When you sign up for your legal services plan and/or an identity theft plan, you are helping support a non-profit organization that provide services for its community.
Sooo - Thank you in advance for signing up. You now have affordable access to legal advice and much, much more.
How can my non-profit Organization recieve donations? Click Here.
Are you looking for a business opportunity?
Trouble balancing your monthly budget?
Looking for a backup plan?
Just want to accelerate your financial success?
Bring your financial goals. Bring your willingness to change lives. Start writing your success story, today! We can help.
Part Time - Spare Time - Full Time
Now is YOUR time!
Don't wait until you need it. It could cost you more.
** Additional Bonus
Members Discount Program is included with your Membership. Get DISCOUNTS at over 400 businesses!
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