How can my Non-Profit Organization be included in your Donation Program?
Thank you for considering Clay-Vic LLC for assistance in your funding needs. This program is intended to be used as a fundraising tool to raise funds to be used by your Non-Profit Organization.
It is very simple to be included:
1. Agree to the term and conditions of the Donation Agreement by Electronic Signature. (see below)
2. Submit proof of your non-profit status.
3. Include address where the donations are to be sent.
Submit your questions or comments below.
This is an Agreement between Clay-Vic LLC, (“Clay-Vic”) a For-Profit company and a LegalShield Independent Associate and a Non-Profit organization {"Organization"). In exchange for the Organization advertising and promoting Clay-Vic’s designated website(s), Clay-Vic agrees to donate funds to the Organization as part of their fundraiser project.
The Organization agrees to advertise and promote designated website(s) as given by Clay-Vic. The Organization will be responsible for producing all handout materials, such as fliers and postcards. Clay-Vic may offer suggestive designs for handout materials. The Organization may design and produce handout material, directing prospective customers to the designated website(s). The Organization may use social media or their Organization website to advertise or promote the designated Clay-Vic website(s). The name LegalShield, in any form, is prohibited from be used, with exception of labeling Clay-Vic LLC as LegalShield Independent Associate. Clay-Vic reserves the right to have the Organization to remove or modify any advertisement or promotion posted by the Organization that will violate Clay-Vic’s agreement with LegalShield. All material (printed or electronic) must be approved by Clay-Vic before any distribution.
Clay-Vic agrees to donate a predetermined amount of funds to the Organization per every new LegalShield membership plan sold due to the effort of the Organization (see Donation Schedule). Clay-Vic will capture names and email addresses from the designated website, then match the name with new Members of LegalShield signing up through Clay-Vic or Jeffrey Gresham. If a new LegalShield member did not specify which organization referred them to the designated Clay-Vic website, no donation will be paid out. Members of the Organization should be encouraged to purchase a LegalShield membership plan. The Organization members should specify the Organization on the designated website before obtaining a LegalShield membership plan, otherwise those donations will be forfeited. Clay-Vic has the rights to change the donation amount without prior notice to the Organization.
The Organization and its members agrees to NOT try to explain or sell any of the LegalShield services plans. Their role is simply to direct others to the designated website(s). If a member of the Organization is a LegalShield Member or a LegalShield Independent Associate, they are permitted to give their “personal” testimony on how they used the services.
Some State requires license or registration to sell the LegalShield legal services plans in their State. Please note, Clay-Vic do not have licenses or registrations in all States. Clay-Vic will acquire licenses or registrations, as-need, in those States that the Organization wishes to fundraise under this Agreement. Until such licenses or registrations are obtained, Clay-Vic cannot market the LegalShield “legal services plans” in those States. However, the ID Shield (identity theft protection) plan can be sold in all States without licenses or registrations.
The Organization agrees to not abandon this Agreement in lieu of another LegalShield Independent Associate, regardless if that Associate is a member of the Organization or not. The Organization agrees this is unethical. Such abandonment will require the Organization to refund all donations given by Clay-Vic LLC.
This Agreement will be in effect for one (1) year from the date submitted. If either party wishes to end this Agreement prior to end of one year, they must notify the other party in writing, which can be either by letter or email, listing the reason(s) for ending the Agreement. Early termination of this Agreement must be agreed upon by both parties.
PLEASE NOTE: By hitting the Submit button on this page you agree that you are the Authorized Signer and that you have the authorization to enter into this Agreement. You are further stating that you agree with the terms and conditions as listed in this Donation Agreement.